Monday, August 12, 2013

Sunday Reflection ~ 2013.08.11

It was good to participate in  the church "gathered" again and serving one another. Thanks to all who served - teaching, leading in praise through music, hands-on-ministry, greeting people, and meeting people - and the list goes on.

Passage of study together was Luke 9:37-45 and seeing that even the disciples of Jesus experienced a "Spiritual Power Failure" in their lives. We looked together at the signs, the causes and the means of staying connected to the spiritual power source who is Jesus. One of the things that really struck me in thinking through this passage was that the spiritual power failure in the lives of at least the nine disciples, affected other people around them. They were unable to help a father whose son had a spiritual need. It was a reminder that if we don't stay daily connected to Jesus, others will be impacted - our spouse, our children, our relationship with other people at work. It could prevent an effective witness for Jesus in a world needy for Jesus. (Message link HERE). If you have other take aways or comments, please leave them in the comment section below.

The Second Service was capped off in baptism with a testimony of God's continued pursuit of people to follow Him. It was a great story and emphasized also how other people play a part in the ongoing story of God's grace. As individuals are obedient to Jesus, others are prompted to be obedient as well. If you missed the testimony or want to listen to it again, the link is HERE.

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