Friday, December 17, 2010

A Christmas Opportunity

Top Five Times People Are Open To Considering Matters Of Faith…
  • #5 – After the birth of a baby (28%)
  • #4 – After a natural disaster (34%)
  • #3 – After a major national crisis i.e. 9/11 (38%)
  • #2 – During the Easter season (38%)
  • #1 – During the Christmas season (47%)

Our prayer is that we will EMBRACE this opportunity (because found people find people). Research ALSO shows that the #1 way a person will receive information about a church is through the PERSONAL INVITE from a friend or family member. Let’s pursue them like Jesus pursued us!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Amazing iPhone and iPad Band Playing Christmas Carols

This is a pretty cool use of technology. Wonder if I get an iPad if I could play like this?

The Danger of Live Animals in Christmas Pageants!

It probably seemed like a good idea at the time.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Teaching Generosity at Home

Christmas is an ideal opportunity to be reminded of the opportunity to learn generosity. Dr. Tim Elmore has provided a guest post on how to help children learn to be generous at Christmas. He suggests the following:

1. Start a new tradition with your children in helping them create a list of gifts they plan to give away to others. These may include gifts which they purchase with their own money or something which they treasure.

2. Suggest that for every gift they put on their wish list, they get to plan to give one of their own toys or electronic device (which is fully functional) to another less fortunate child.

3. The author shares that one set of parents he knows had their children go through all their toys one December and make two piles -- one pile to give away and the second they felt worth keeping. Then the parents talked about sacrificial giving and suggested that the children give away the pile of toys they had planned to keep.

As parents and adults, what are the ways that we can practice and model generosity in the name of Jesus this Christmas season?

Thanks to so many of you who have been involved in sharing with your neighbors, Operation Christmas Child, through the ministry of Valley Grace and in many other ways. May we continue to learn generosity and what it means to give!

PS - if you would like to read the full blog post from Dr. Tim Elmore, you can find it here.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Youth Progressive Christmas Dinner

Just a note to say a big "THANK YOU" to all of you who helped to make Youth Progressive Dinner a reality. Thanks to those of you who cooked, opened homes, drove vehicles, etc. Truly amazing. Unfortunately, this is about the only picture I have of the evening. If you have one from the event, we could link to it, especially if it is on facebook.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Midweek Ministries Reflection

Just wanted to express great thanks and appreciation for all who are involved in midweek ministries in so many ways! You are truly making an impact with your investment into the lives of children and youth and adults. Please continue to pray for this ministry.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday Morning Reflections:

* Saturday - Shoe Project @ Valley Mall. Approximately 60 pairs of shoes were given out in Jesus' Name on Saturday to children from Lincolnshire district. Please pray for these families with needs. Thank you to each one who participated and ministered for Christ.

* Sunday Morning - we reflected on the fact that Thanksgiving is to be intentional and is to include giving thanks for who God is as well as for what he has done (Psalm 111).

* Townhall Meeting Sunday evening: 1) The decision was made to go forward with the Expansion Project to provide additional space for education, nurseries, a handicapped bathroom (ADA compliant), and better traffic flow. 2) The decision was made to begin the search process for a part-time Church Ministries Pastor whose responsibility it is to support those involved in ministry (Ephesians 4:11-16).

* Thanksgiving Praise Service: thanks to all who participated and who came. It was a great evening of sharing testimonies, special music, a skit and fellowship time following.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Urban Hope ~ A Day to Change the City

"Urban Hope needs over $50,000 this year to keep this ministry impacting lives for eternity. That is not a random or made up number. As we have done our annual budgeting, there is a significant financial need of $50,000. Thanks for helping be a catalyst for change where it is needed the most." -- From a letter dated October 2010 from Ed Lewis, Director of CE National which oversees Urban Hope Ministry.

If you would like more information or to watch some of videos of lives that are being changed, you can go here:

If you would like to contribute to this need, you may give directly to CE National (envelopes available in the foyer) or mark your offering envelope "Urban Hope." We desire to get this collected and sent in by the middle of November.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Some Miscellaneous Thoughts for the Day

* Thanks for all who took part in "Tract or Treat" on Thursday, 11/28. Around 230 bags of candy were handed out along with Tracts. Please ask God to continue to use this outreach in the lives of folks from our community. Thanks, Eric, for organizing this!

* I appreciate so much the time and effort that the Praise Team is putting into learning music and leading us in praise to our God! It takes extra time, but thank you for using your talents to draw us closer to our God.

* Thanks to ER for putting together a very nice Convoy of Hope video which was shown on Sunday. I'm sorry for the glitch we had in the Second Service!

* Thanks to Dale & Wendy for hosting the Youth Fellowship event at the farm. It was a really nice time, and the fellowship was excellent!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Unofficial" Convoy of Hope 2010 Hagerstown

Thanks to all who participated in Convoy of Hope for Hagerstown in 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The significance of the book, "The Genesis Flood"

The book, "The Genesis Flood," written by Dr. John C. Whitcomb and Dr. Henry M. Morris has been used by God to help launch the Creation movement which takes literally the first chapters of Genesis without compromising on God's Word. The Creation movement emphasizes that Jesus Christ is the creator of the world as the Bible declares, and helps us to understand earth's history. This book is approaching its 50 year anniversary. If you would like to read more about the history of this book, you may go HERE.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sunday Reflections 10/17/2010

Reflecting on Sunday 10/17/2010:

* First service, showed first two baptism testimonies, good to hear the stories again! (will show the other testimonies on future dates)
* Praise for Jason & Kristen Basore as they dedicated themselves and their daughter Addison to the Lord in the Second Service. On behalf of Valley Grace family they were given a Children's Story Bible.
* Dr. Whitcomb taught from Psalm 8 on "What is Man?" - first two verses look at who God is, then verses 3-8 remind us of who man is in light of our knowledge of God.
* Jason & Kristen Basore officially became members of Valley Grace.
* Sunday Evening: Good Youth Group meeting - thanks to all who helped to lead.
* Youth Leadership Meeting following Youth Group - great involvement and planning for continuing youth ministry.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sunday Reflections 10/03/2010

Thanking God for a great day on Sunday, and thanks to all of you who made it so!

* Praise Team did a great job in leading us to reflect upon our Lord through music.
* Testimonies & Prayers at the Baptism service were special. We plan to show the video of the Baptism service in the First Service at a later time.
* Communion Service as a great opportunity to remember the price of our Salvation and the community that we share in Christ.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Gospel, the Church and... Glenn Beck Follow Up

Having given more thought to the Gospel, the Church and Glenn Beck, here are some of my observations for your consideration. First of all, please understand that this really is not about Glenn Beck and his political views. He may very well be correct in his observations of what should be taking place in America. I would also applaud his call to honor our troops who are willing to give their lives for our liberties. This post is a call to the church for discernment and for staying on mission.

First, we need to understand that revival does not come through political movements, but through the preaching and teaching of the word of God. This is true of all revivals recorded in Scripture (see revivals in the days of Josiah, Nehemiah, Jonah for instance). Consider also the revivals in more modern history – the Welsh Revival along with revivals in our own country. Revival necessitates the recognition of sin in our lives and true repentance. A recent illustration of the barrenness of attempting to bring about true lasting spiritual change through the political process is the Moral Majority of the 1980s.

Second, we need to remember that the mission of the church is to introduce people into Christ's kingdom through the new birth. It is not to get someone to change a political party or view. In fact, when political views take the forefront and result in a rift in a relationship so that one is unable to talk with the another about the things of Christ, that is the greatest of tragedies. I am afraid that many Christians (myself included) are more willing to talk about politics than Christ.

Thirdly, we are hearing that "America is turning back to God." My question is, "what does that look like?" If prayer were mandated in school, and abortions were made illegal and marriage was mandated as that between a man and a woman, etc., would America be turned back to God? Absolutely not! We may have a more moral America, but without true repentance & conversion America has not returned to God. It might also be good to ask, "of what God are we speaking?" There is only one true God as revealed through Scripture. Any other god, is not the One True God. Let me repeat, the only way to turn America to God is for each individual to experience true Biblical conversion -- that is, the acknowledgment of sin, accepting Christ's finished work on the cross and truly being born again.

So What should we do?

1. We can use this present topic to turn a political discussion into a spiritual one. Ask a series of questions: 1) To what God are we referring? 2) Is America turning back to God?" 3) What would it take to turn America to God? This could open an opportunity to present the Biblical principles of true conversion and revival as found in Scripture.

2. I do not think that this means that we should become apolitical, that is, to drop out of taking the responsibility of being involved in the political process. There are moral principles prescribed in Scripture that makes for a more wholesome society, though not for a converted society.

One final note: we cannot be misguided by Mr. Beck's use of spiritual terminology. An article has been written by one, a Dr. Jim Garlow, who claims that people he knows has heard Glenn Beck, a Mormon, speak of Jesus being his Savior (Read HERE). This is a contradiction. There was one crucial follow up question which was missed, and that is "who is Jesus?" You see, either Mr. Beck is not really a Mormon (believing Mormon doctrine about Jesus), or he has not been saved by the Jesus of the Bible. The Mormon Jesus and the Jesus of the Bible are two entirely different persons.

We must remember that if Jesus is not who He claimed to be, He could not do what He claimed to do!

Our mission as a church or as followers of Jesus Christ, is to help other people to become followers of Christ (Matthew 28:18-20). And so we move forward with helping to build Christ's kingdom. May God help us!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Gospel, The Church and ... Glenn Beck

I recently was asked what I thought about Glenn Beck's rally in Washington, DC. To be honest, I hadn't really been following it or him. I have heard that he was calling America back to God -- certainly a worthwhile cause. This individual went on to inform me that Beck was a Mormon by religion. I was not aware of that -- so did some research, and everything I have seen has corroborated that statement. That raises some pretty serious questions since the Mormon god is not the God that is described in the Bible. I came across the following post which is forcing me to do some more thinking:

A Mormon television star stands in front of the Lincoln Memorial and calls American Christians to revival. He assembles some evangelical celebrities to give testimonies, and then preaches a God and country revivalism that leaves the evangelicals cheering that they’ve heard the gospel, right there in the nation’s capital.

The news media pronounces him the new leader of America’s Christian conservative movement, and a flock of America’s Christian conservatives have no problem with that.
(Read the full article HERE)

Russell Moore, the author of the article, doesn't fault Beck who he sees as an entrepreneur and one who knows how to market himself. The problem, Moore points to is that American "Christianity" has become too much of a political agenda -- we want to exchange "the cross for the crown" too soon. I'm still rereading the article and thinking it through. It does appear to me at this point that Moore makes some valid points. We must stay focused on the Gospel of Jesus Christ which alone is the "power of God for salvation" (Romans 1:16)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Missions KY 2010 Report

This was the video report shown this past Sunday morning at Valley Grace. Thanks to all who made the trip possible -- your prayers, giving and those who went and served.

Also, commend those who were able to make our own outreach event here function on Sunday evening in promoting the AWANA ministry. We are already receiving calls! Please pray for this outreach and also for individuals to are working and for others who are willing to work with this ministry to our own community!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Great Weekend with Dave & Sue Griffith

We had a great weekend with Dave & Sue Griffith who serve are serving the Lord in France. They have been in France for 30 years as missionaries. They shared that this past year they have seen 6 24-year old young men come to Christ and Dave has been discipling them. They are also involved in serving in a French church.

Saturday evening they serve a French meal along with information about French culture. It was really fascinating along with pictures and a presentation of their ministry. On Sunday Morning, they share with the whole congregation about family and ministry. On Sunday evening, they shared their testimonies and interacted with the youth at Youth Group.

Please continue to pray for Dave & Sue as they serve the Lord as an extension of Valley Grace in France (as they put it). Pray for continued new contacts, the discipling ministry and also their involvement in the local church their in France. They will be returning to France in a few weeks, to continue minister to folks in France who need Christ.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Helping to Apply Genuine Worship in the Church

Paul instructs us in Romans 12:1-8 that Genuine Worship in the church is not predominately about the music or order of service or anything else external. He points out that the believer's spiritual service of worship is giving oneself in service to the Body of Christ. Other passages of Scripture emphasize that every single believer, regardless of age, gender, background, has been given a special gift or gift mix to be used for the building up of the Body.

Paul lists seven major gifts in Romans 12:3-8: speaking, service (ministry), teaching, encouragement (exhortation), giving, leadership, and mercy. These may be combined to result in a unique, personal gift. As a Believer, God has gifted you in a very unique way to invest your life in something that has eternal value and meaning - the Body of Christ.

1. This means that each follower of Christ needs to prayerfully consider what his or her spiritual gift/s are in order to serve His Church. It may take some experimentation and perhaps finding what is not a gifting and what is. The goal is that each follower of Jesus is actively serving in a ministry.

2. This means that we as the Body of Christ must allow individuals to grow in their spiritual gifts. It will take practice and discipline and trial and error as each person grows in using his or her gifts. As a church, we must develop opportunities to serve with feedback as well as allowing individuals to "practice" using his or her gifts. We must allow individuals to develop in speaking, teaching, leadership, mercy, etc., and support their efforts.

3. There are many opportunities currently for ministry at Valley Grace. We need to develop teachers for Sunday School, in all departments. We will need help in AWANA in many facets of that ministry from nursery, to listening to verses, to teaching a devotional time, to helping to provide safety and security, helping to pick up children, etc. Those with the gift of mercy can help with visitation to shut ins and others going through difficult times. We have opportunities to develop leadership for ministries and for the church. There are many other opportunities as well.

The result, when each believer is functioning effectively in his or her gift mix, the Body of Christ is built up (Eph. 4:11-16). Thanks to all of you who are faithfully serving and helping the Body of Christ at Valley Grace to function effectively. Looking forward to seeing God work through His people as Fall ministries begin!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Valley Grace KY Missions Trip 2010 ~ Preview

Thanks to all who participated in this trip as well as those who prayed and gave to make it possible! A more detailed report to come later.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Terrific Job, Church!

I wanted to take this opportunity to commend the church family for an excellent job in all that you have done with Cheri Wheeler's sickness and ministry at her funeral service. I was truly impressed by all who helped with food preparation and serving, clean up, ministry to the family and so many of you showed support to Kendra and Jessie through your attendance at the service. I am told that one of the folks from the funeral home made the observation that over the years, he has seen that Valley Grace has a servant's heart for ministry. I am reminded of Jesus desire for us when He said, "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven" (Mat 5:16 NASB). Well done, church!

Please continue to pray for the transitions in the lives of Kendra, Jessie, Marv & Mick Jamison (Cheri's parents - pictured above with Cheri), John, along with the rest of the family members.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Wedding ~ Matt & Jess (Smith) Shank (6/19/2010)

We wish Matt & Jess God's best as they merge their lives together. They will be living in Williamsport, MD.

Wedding ~ Paul & Jess (Semler) Veen (6/12/2010)

We ask you to pray for Paul & Jess as they begin their new life together. They have moved to Michigan.

Wedding Vow Renewal ~ Allen & Erma Taylor - 35 years (6/5/2010)

We celebrate with Allen & Erma Taylor the renewal of their vows after 35 years. It was a great testimony to our Lord and to their journey together.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Valley Grace VBS 2010

Thanks to all who are making VBS a great success in teaching boys and girls about who Jesus is and what He wants to do for them!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunday Reflections 5/23/2010

* Thanks to praise team again for leading us in great songs of praise & worship
* Drama Team - well done presentation of "The Bad Samaritan" - sorry to see you break for the summer, but we realize that Director Chuck will soon have added responsibilities at home.
* Studied together Daniel 7, "Certainty for Uncertain Times"
* Thanks to the College & Career group for leading the Youth Group.
- Well done, church!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Urban Hope 2010 Ministry Report

Thanks to all who went and served, and those who supported through your prayers and financial gifts. Well done!

Sunday Reflections 5/16/2010

Thanks to all who made it a great day!

* Praise Team and special music led us to reflect on our God
* Great Urban Hope report. Thanks to all who went, served and ministered.
* Spent time in God's Word, "Life Lessons Learned in the Lion's Den" - we must live in such a way that people are impressed with our God and desire to know Him (Daniel 6)
* Mother~Daughter Banquet was absolutely superb, both the meal and program. Guys, you did a great job serving and cleaning up.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tennessee Flood Relief Effort

Bette Jo Shifler has been in contact with an individual at Two Rivers Baptist church on how we can help. Lowes and Home Depot gift cards are an excellent way to go on this, but there are other options as well (see below). Please make sure the amount is marked on the cards.

HERE is a link to the Two Rivers web site which lists other items that are needed.

HERE is a link to an article entitled, What the Media Missed in the "Nashville" Flood. Helpful reading for a better perspective.

Ronnie & Bette Jo Shifler are planning on leaving Friday around noon to head down with donations. If you would like to be involved and have something to donate, you may contact Bette Jo directly, or leave it at the church. Please make sure to have it here by Thursday evening so that it can be loaded up. The best time to drop of donations is in the morning when the church office is open. Many times afternoons are used for visiting, contacts, etc., so sometimes the church building is not unlocked. If we know that you are coming we can make the proper arrangements to have a door open.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sunday Morning ~ Satire of the Cool Church

"Sunday's Coming" Movie Trailer from North Point Media on Vimeo.

So this is how it is supposed to be done!??

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Soles 4 Souls & Memorial Service

Thanks so much to all who participated last Saturday with the Soles 4 Souls project. Leslie, Becky, Shirley, Jeff & Garret (hope I didn't miss anyone, if so, add in the comments below) did an excellent job of interaction with the children and adults who came in from Lincolnshire and Hickory for shoes. Thanks to those of you who helped to fund this project. Approximately $1,800 was given out for shoes. Please be in prayer for the contacts that we trust will be made for VBS that we will have the opportunity to share the message of the hope found in Jesus.

Thanks also for those who helped to minister through the Memorial Service this past weekend. Your service of serving made an impact on the family. Thanks also to those of you who brought in refreshments.

Well done, church!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Urban Hope 2010 ~ Overview

Report from Jason Holt, Director of Church Ministry at Urban Hope, reports on Mid-Atlantic District weekend.

"Last weekend (April 24) the Mid-Atlantic District brought 75 people to Urban Hope for the annual block party. Four streets were blocked off to have games for kids. The "cultivating event" was designed to make contacts with people in the community and there was a great response. 439 people registered, which means there were around 600 in attendance, if not more! The ministry team did a great job helping as well as many others from our church - the extra block of Tioga and blocks of Ella St. were very helpful with the large crowd. Praise God for all the neighbors who came through with signatures and the police department's positive response to our request to close the street. We had 92 kids at Kingdom Kids today and were able to invite many new kids whose names we got from the block party yesterday."

Note: we plan to hear a report on 5/16/2010 during both services.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

When God Says No!

We were reminded this past Sunday that even though God said "Yes" to the three men in the fiery furnace (Daniel 3) that there are times when He says "No" (3:18). The phrase "but if not" is a reminder that sometimes we do have to go through the trial, the hardship, the testing. Sometimes God does not heal a marriage, heal a sickness, restore a relationship for reasons that we may not know. But one very important thing to remember is that God does walk with us through the trial to encourage and support us. Isaiah wrote, concerning God's presence through the times of suffering, "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you..." (Isa 43:2a). So when an all wise, all loving, all powerful God says "No" to our petitions, He also promises to walk with us through that difficult time.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Urban Hope 2010 ~ Photo Link

Thanks to all who served the Lord from our church and District at Urban Hope in Philadelphia. We look forward to hearing the reports of what God did. We are grateful for answers to prayer for ministry effectiveness and safety of travel. If you would like to see more pictures of the event you can go HERE and click on the appropriate title. You can also click on the picture above to enlarge it.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Urban Hope 2010 Ministry Team

Please be in prayer for the ministry team from our church to Urban Hope. Thanks to all of you who have helped to make this possible as we seek to bring the message of hope in Jesus to another area of our country that desperately needs to know Him. Please be in prayer for safety of travel, for ministry opportunities, for lives transformed and for the impact that it will have on our folks as well. (click on picture for larger image).

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thank You and an Invitation

I wanted to say a big "THANK YOU" to so many of you who have stepped in to ministry areas recently. Of course, a big "THANK YOU" to many of you who have served for some time. Some of you are transitioning in areas of ministry also. I have really been impressed to see individuals joining the team to help with ministry needs.

I also want to offer an invitation for some of you who may not yet become involved, to join us in the mission. There are opportunities to teach in Children's Sunday School, Children's Church, music, nursing homes, hands on ministry of helps with things around the church, organization, etc. Please prayerfully seek God's direction for where He might be leading you to serve Him and His church. We never have a sign out saying, "No Help Wanted".

One of purposes as a church is to help followers of Christ get involved in serving Him (Eph 4:11-12). This includes training and providing opportunities to invest one's life in things that outlive this world.

Again, thank you to all of you who serve the Lord through the ministry of Valley Grace, and those of you considering joining with us on mission. We are looking forward to what God is going to do through us.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Seven Characteristics of People With a Heart for the Lost

What are the seven characteristics of people who care about lost people? Thom Rainer lists the following:
  1. They are people of prayer. They realize that only God can change a heart and bring conversion. Salvation is a work of God.
  2. They understand the urgency of salvation -- that people without Christ are headed to an eternity separated from Him, with no possibility of change once they have stepped out of this life.
  3. They are people who spend time in God's Word in order to understand God's heart for lost people and Christ's love for the lost.
  4. They are compassionate people. They are moved with compassion as Jesus was, for those who are lost.
  5. They love the communities where God has placed them. They realize they are called to make a difference in their places of employment, their schools, their recreation, as they coach teams, etc.
  6. They are intentional about their evangelism. They pray for opportunities to share the gospel and look for the opportunities that God creates.
  7. They are accountable to someone for their evangelistic activities. Life can be filled with a lot of good things, but we must not neglect the most important elements as well.
Thom Rainer has entitled his post, "Seven Characteristics of Highly Evangelistic Christians" (you can read the complete post here). This is a good reminder to be about the business of Jesus since He has called all of us to be involved in reaching those around us for Him.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Weekend Reflection ~ 3/28/2010

Great weekend, thanks for all who contributed!
  • Spring clean up was a great success. Much was accomplished and looks so much better in preparation for Palm Sunday. Terrific breakfast sandwiches! Good fellowship as well.
  • Palm Sunday - great job. Thanks to Chuck & Erika for their leadership with the program, Choir for your participation, those who helped with costumes, lighting, sound, construction, support and those who invited friends to come. Please pray that there may be some who consider the claims of Christ and become a follower of Him.
  • Communion Service - thanks to the Deacon Committee for their preparation and their help. Neat time to reflect on Christ's provision for our salvation: past, present & future.
Well done, church! Christ was honored!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Reflections on Sunda 3/21/2010

* Praise Band did a great job of leading and great hymns reminding us of who God is.
* Message: "What to do When Facing a Crisis" (Dan. 2:1-23) - Pray, Don't Panic.
* Super job by youth and parents on Spaghetti Dinner. Thanks to all who helped.
* Terrific show from youth with the Youth Praise Band, Special Music, and Disney Show. Absolutely superb!
* Thank you Lord for a great day!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jess Smith & Matt Shank ~ Engagement

We want to wish Jess Smith and Matt Shank God's best as they plan their wedding for this summer. Their desire is to honor Christ as they establish a new home.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Shawn McBride Event ~ Follow up

Thanks to everyone who made the Shawn McBride event a success. Praise Band did a tremendous job! Thanks to those who helped with the refreshment time. Here is an audio link to his message: Part 1 & Part 2 (tape had to be flipped so it is broken into two parts). We will try and get it all on one CD and make it available. It will be pretty close to 80 minutes. If you are interested in a CD copy, contact the church office. The above two parts are in mp3 format which you can download.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Engagement Congratulations!

We want to wish God's best to Ryan Martin and Reanna Tuczynski on their engagement. They are planning a fall wedding. Please continue to pray for Ryan and Reanna as they plan their wedding and join their two lives together for the glory of Christ!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Would You Remarry Your Spouse? ~ Study Shows...

In keeping with our current message series, "Don't Get Married Until...." I found this research to be interesting.

In a new CBS News poll, nine out of 10 (90%) married Americans said they would marry their spouse again, a percentage which has barely changed since 1995 (93%). Ninety-five percent of men said they would marry their wives again compared to 85 percent of women saying the same. When asked to pick what is most important in a successful relationship, about half picked "Respect" (49%), followed by "Trust" (37%), and a "Sense of humor" (10%). "Sex" was picked by two percent and "Money" by zero percent. [from quoted from PWB, 2/26/2010]

That is nice to know!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Missions Review 2009 & Preview 2010

Here is the video of Valley Grace missions projects for 2009 that you were part of through your investment of time, resources and abilities. Great job & new opportunities for 2010. How will you be involved this year to help build the Church of Jesus Christ?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Letter from Pastor Sam Baer, Victory Mountain Chapel, KY

Part of a letter from Pastor Sam Baer at Victory Mountain Grace Brethren Chapel, KY (50 years of ministry) in response to the Thanksgiving/Christmas offering sent from Valley Grace.

Dear Brother Dan & Congregation,

Wow!!! $1,645.00!!! You Dear Folks really know how to encourage another Pastor & struggling Church. Our Parsonage Furnace gave up the "ghost" in December & we needed to purchase a new one. Even though we got it at cost (thanks to a Christian Contractor) installation & everything was only $1,700.00. Now isn't that something???

You all covered the cost of the whole furnace ($1,600.00), even though we were able to pay for it back in December, but that bill wiped out our church checking account. Your check beefed up our general fund so we could pay for your January bills with some left over. You all seem to know when we need some extra help & your gifts are always very generous & we are so appreciative of your love gift.... Your church helps keep our church from going under financially. Thank You So Very Much!!!

P.S. This winter has been hard. Every Sunday it seems we are facing something different weather wise. Last Sunday, all our vehicle doors were frozen shut so we had to cancel morning services & go for a 2:00 pm service. Six inches of snow here in the mountains & the schools must cancel for a week or 4 days.... Hope God keeps your congregation & ours safe from harm.

With Much Thanksgiving & Appreciation, Pastor Sam Baer

Note: You can read more from Sam on the bulletin board with more pictures.

Friday, February 12, 2010

An Outline for Daily Prayer

In Matthew 6:6-13 Jesus provides an outline for daily prayer. This passage is often referred to as "The Lord's Prayer" but we know that Jesus never prayed this prayer because He never needed to ask for his "transgressions" to be forgiven. This prayer is also prayed as a liturgy, but it was not intended to just be recited from memory. Jesus provides an outline for us to pray daily as we go about activities. There are 5 main areas of focus in this prayer.

  1. Enhancement of God's Reputation ("Hallowed be Your Name") - this is praying that as we go about our daily activities, that we represent Christ and that His reputation is enhanced by how we conduct ourselves at home, at work, at school, in our times of recreation. That is, in all of our activities.
  2. Advancement of God's Agenda ("Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven") - this is part of prayer asks God to use us to help reach people for Christ. It is praying that we will have the opportunity to help lead people to Jesus. This will help us to focus on sharing Christ and praying for opportunities for that.
  3. Our Material Needs ("give us this day our daily bread") - this reminds us that God is the provider of all of our needs. We respond in thanksgiving for what he has provided: food, clothes, place to live, heat, and so much more.
  4. Forgiveness ("forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors) - we are reminded that we need to seek God's forgiveness on a daily basis, in fact, as soon as it is brought to our attention that we have "missed the mark" in our relationship with Christ. But this passage also reminds us that we must forgive those who have sinned against us.
  5. Spiritual Protection ("lead us not into temptation") - the Bible plainly teaches that God does not tempt anyone to sin (James 1:13). This is a prayer that we might be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and His leading in our lives in regards to what we should do, and shouldn't do. Praying that we might be able to see the spiritual land mines which are around us. It is also a prayer that we might not miss the good works that God has planned for us to carry out this day (Eph. 2:10).
This provides a great outline for us to pray each day as we prepare to live for Christ and serve Him.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Reflections on Sunday 1/31/2010

Reflections on Sunday:
  • Thankful for those who took care of the snow and ice so that we were able to have the Second Service (10:40 am)
  • Praise team did a great job -- especially song "Glorious One" pointing to our Glorious Savior!
  • Drama Team did a very nice thoughtful presentation on the cross and how "intrusive" is it in our lives.
  • Opportunity to have folks from both services together in one service -- though we did miss those who were not able to make it in due to weather. The cross mix is a nice opportunity from time to time.
  • We reflected on the importance of the Communion Service and how we remember the work of Christ for us; past, present and future. If you are wondering how Communion is to be practiced, please listen to the audio of the sermon. It will be posted on Sermon Audio which can be downloaded, or you can request a copy from the church office - either tape or CD.

Friday, January 29, 2010

"Don't Get Married Until ..." (February Sermon Series)

Marriage is designed by God to be a blessing for both husband and wife. Since God instituted marriage, He has given to us the basis for making it work effectively. The purpose of this series is to look at God's instructions for those considering this most important step in their lives, for parents (and grandparents) to help their children prepare for this event, and for those who are married.

Note: This is adapted from a series that P. Noble preached at his church (permission has been granted to adapt)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Joe & Sharon Strite - New Members

We welcomed Joe and Sharon Strite into the official membership of Valley Grace this past Sunday. Joe & Sharon have been involved in different areas of ministry already, and we look forward to continuing to serve the Lord together. (Note: yes that picture was taken in Myrtle Beach, SC - perhaps to remind us that warm weather will return. )

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Haiti - Churches Helping Churches

Please continue to pray for the church of Jesus Christ, our brothers and sisters, in Haiti who are making a difference in the middle of this crisis. You can go HERE to read an account in USA Today by Pastor Mark Driscoll who is on site to record and survey the need. He reports on what he has seen. If you want to see video of some of the need, you can go HERE. If you would like to contribute directly to churches in Haiti who are making a difference in their communities right now, you can go to Churches Helping Churches and contribute online.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Am A Chair

I am a chair from buckheadchurch on Vimeo.

Don't look at an empty chair in church the same way again.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Help for Haiti - Some Suggestions...

Probably most of us have seen pictures of the devastation in Haiti. Many of these precious people have suffered extreme poverty and now severe loss. If you desire to be able to provide some financial help for these dear people, below are some links to organizations that are legitimate. There will of course be many, who tragically, attempt to take advantage of this disaster for their own financial benefit. The ones listed below are organizations that can be trusted.

Compassion International
Colorado Springs, CO 80997

Mercy Ships
P.O. Box 2020
Garden Valley, TX 75771-2020

Samaritan's Purse
P.O. Box 3000
Boone, NC 28607

World Vision
P.O. Box 9716, Dept. W
Federal Way, WA 98063-9716

Let's pray that God might use this tragic situation to bring people to himself, pray for the believers working among these devastated people.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Where are YOU Headed?

In order to arrive at one's destination, there are two critical factors. First, an individual needs to decide where they want to go. But that is not enough. There is a second critical factor, and that is direction. Just knowing where you want to go is not enough to get you there. You must choose to follow the proper directions to get there. I would encourage each of us to decide where it is we want to go. Do we have a Life Plan that covers our spiritual journey, family, health, finances, education, profession -- in fact, every dimension of life. This is important for every single person, regardless of age. If you have never thought through a Life Plan, HERE is a good post to help you with that process. Everyone of us needs to work this through, and if we are married, we need to work through some of these areas with our spouse.

But a Life Plan is not enough. We also need to ask the question, when faced with decisions, "where is this decision going to lead?" "Where will this decision take me?" Every decision we make in life moves us in one direction or another.

We see this truth played out around us on a regular basis. People have arrived at places they did not want to be because of decisions (choices) which they have made. We have arrived at places we did not want to be because of choices which we have made. May God grant us His grace to understand that every decision we make is taking us someplace.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas Thoughts Wrap-up

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you who were involved in the Christmas events here at Valley Grace. There was a great deal of time and effort put into the events and outreach. Please continue to pray for God to use these events in the lives of those who attended.
  • The Christmas program was well done and good responses to it on December 13.
  • Christmas Eve service
  • Thanks to the choir for their music on December 27 & also for the testimonies for baptism.
  • Thank you for your involvement in the Christmas project with helping to provide Christmas gifts for some families outside of our church. The tags went very quickly.
  • Others of you were involved in some very creative ways of sharing Christ through Christmas with school students, and other families who had needs.
  • The shoeboxes were sent earlier, and there was very good participation.
  • The special Christmas offering is going to be sent to the Happy Church in Jackson, KY and will be approximately $1,500 -- shhhh, don't tell them, it is on the way.
  • Thanks to those who helped with clean up of snow and ice to make it possible to hold the services.
  • Thanks to those of you whom I missed! I'm sure there are some.
Well done, church!

I read of a creative outreach that a church in Seattle had done which might be food for thought. The ladies of the church selected Christmas gifts and wrapped them, and took them down the prostitutes in a section of their city.