Friday, June 29, 2012

Just Walk Across the Room

This past Sunday we were reminded that we have been invited by the King of the Universe to attend the wedding party of His Son (Matthew 22:1-14 - sermon here). After we receive the invitation, we have a responsibility to go out and share that invitation with the people that God places in our lives on a regular basis. That means just walking across the room, or soccer field, or lunch hall, or grocery store to the cashier, etc. Our responsibility is not to force an invitation, but to invite. We are to invite them, regardless of their lifestyle - whether the individual is considered evil or good. We also are reminded people don't often respond to the invitation that first time that it is given. 

It is also important to see the potential in people that Jesus did: a prostitute who became a God worshiper, a cheat who became a man who gave out of his resources (Zachaeus), etc. We are to invite people from all walks of life and all kinds of backgrounds. 

An excellent resource to help think through how to do this is Bill Hybels book, "Just Walk Across the Room" (you can find it here). Bill Hybels suggests living our lives in "3D" - that is, taking the following 3 steps in our day to day regular activities.

1. Develop Friendships - engage in the lives of people around us.
2. Discover Stories - discover other people's stories before sharing your own story of God's redemptive work.
3. Discern next steps - by following the Holy Spirit's direction, we can ascertain what the next steps should be that we should take.

We also need to be reminded of the three responses that Jesus presented in the story which he told.

1. Some people are indifferent. They are preoccupied with life and see no need to accept the invitation.
2. Some people will be hostile to the invitation and you will probably take the brunt of their hostility.
3. Some people will accept the invitation, and it will change their lives and destiny!

Let us be on mission to at least once a week, walk across the room (lunch room, etc.) to invite someone to the party being given for the King's Son!

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