Friday, August 12, 2011

Moving Toward Grace Filled Conversations

The Setting: Bill Hybels from Willow Creek Church hosts a leadership seminar, Summit. Howard Schultz from Starbucks was to be one of the speakers. Apparently a petition with over 717 signatures was sent to Howard Schultz declaring that Willow Creek was "anti-gay" and that he should not be present. Schultz decided to cancel his contractual engagement.

In the video clip below, Bill Hybels graciously responds and reminds us that the church is not called to be "anti" anyone. The doors of our churches should have "welcome" to everyone who comes across them. That does not mean that we are called to affirm the lifestyle choices, but we are called to graciously invite them to become a follower of Jesus Christ. We are called to challenge everyone to become a follower of Jesus Christ and to live out the principles of Scripture. As Hybels points out, there is a great deal of confusion and brokenness in our fallen world. He states, "at Willow we honor the journey of everyone who is trying to follow Christ."

I loved the fact that he encouraged his audience to write letters of appreciation and invitation to Howard Schultz, rather than those filled with vitriol because of his business decision. An oh, by the way, he encouraged them to buy a cup of Starbucks coffee.

We are living in a world which is becoming more and more antagonistic to principles which God has espoused. We need to learn how to hold a graceful conversation with individuals who are not following those principles and prayerfully endeavor to lead them to Christ. Please take the time to look at the video clip below, as a pattern for grace.

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