Thursday, October 1, 2009

Lord, Save Us From Your Followers

Why is that people in America seem to love to hate people who identify themselves as Christians? Dan Merchant has produced a documentary trying to understand why this phenomenon is taking place. He set out with bumper stickers covering his jump suit to engage people about their views of Christians. His goal was not to be argumentative, but fact finding. He asked five questions. How did the universe begin? Where you you think you will go when you die? Name something that Jesus is known for (not exactly a question). Name something that Christians are known for. Lastly, what bumper sticker jumps out at you?

The purpose of this documentary is to help Christians (word used loosely) understand how they are perceived by the world. From the comments I have read from those who have seen a preview, this documentary will make you laugh, and it will make you cry. It is a look in the mirror of what America thinks of Christians. You can go here to see a trailer. I believe this will be something all Christ followers should see to enable us to engage our culture in a more civil manner in order to present the claims of Christ. Note: you can download the first chapter of the book from the link above in a PDF file which is thought provoking. (I haven't found it showing any where close to Hagerstown yet. According to the literature, if it doesn't show close, we can purchase the DVD to show in 2010).

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