Monday, August 17, 2009

Update on Mexico Missions from Bess & Brenda

We had the privilege of having Bess & Brenda (and Denver Murray who accompanied them) give an update on the mission's work in Mexico City on Wednesday evening August 12. Bess & Brenda have been there for twenty years, and Valley Grace has partnered with them for that time. They explained their strategy to reach people for Christ, a strategy which really works anywhere. Here is what they have done.
  1. Begin with contact discovery. This is the simple, yet difficult task of finding people who are open or seeking about Christ. One effective means was the giving away of the Jesus video.
  2. Process evangelism. This means taking time to present the person of Jesus before the plan of salvation. Evangelism is not a "one-time" shot with a prayer to accept Christ at the end of the presentation. It takes time.
  3. Discipleship. Beginning to help those who have trusted Christ to grow.
  4. Formation of Spiritual Community. Encouraging new believers to get involved in family groups for care and accountability. These groups also do some outreach events for friends and family.
  5. Leadership Development. As the church continues to grow, there is a need for Mexican leaders to be developed. This development is done through retreats, conferences, meetings, Bible Institute, and ministry experiences.
  6. Corporate Worship. The coming together to praise and worship the Lord. They refer to the Sunday services as a Celebration since they are celebrating what Christ has done by providing salvation. Their service normally lasts for two hours. Maybe we should try that! (Someone of you may think we do that already).
  7. Organize for Ministry. They have started with people and not a building. Some people have thought that if you build the building they will come. But that does not really seem to work. They start with reaching people and have recently been able to acquire a building for use which took major renovation. Originally they had money to purchase about 100 chairs, so about twenty people would need to stand for the service. They recently were able to purchase an additional thirty chairs so everyone has a seat.
Bess, Brenda, and Denver are all greatly encouraged at what God is doing in Mexico City as they are turning over the leadership of the Cocrimex (the Mexico City church) to national leadership. The harvest truly is ready, but the laborers are few (Matt 9:37). Thank you for your financial investment in this work and please continue to pray for God's blessing.

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