Thursday, March 12, 2009

Staying on Mission

We are living in days of great challenges but also days of great opportunity to stay focused on our mission of introducing people to Jesus Christ. Our responsibility as individuals is to share with people that Jesus Christ alone can provide peace with God, guarantee our eternal destiny, and help us to live life with purpose. Ed Stetzer quotes a study entitled "The Shape of Things to Come" which was conducted by Brad Waggoner among evangelical Christians which indicated that "In the past six months, 29 percent of respondents said they shared with someone how to become a Christian twice or more, 14 percent did so once and 57 percent did not share at all."

We showed a video clip from an atheist this past Sunday indicating that he would expect that if a Christian really believed that Jesus is the only means of salvation, they would have a responsibility to share that news if they really cared. As Penn said, "How much do you have to hate someone not to tell them ... of eternal life?" See the clip below:

By the way, a couple of other thought provoking items from Waggoner's study:

* Only 16 percent of Protestant churchgoers read their Bible daily and another 20 percent read it "a few times a week." (How are we going to be able to intelligently share Christ with people if we are not studying what God has to say?)

* Just 23 percent "agreed strongly" with the statement, "When I come to realize that some aspect of my life is not right in God's eyes, I make the necessary changes." (How can we encourage other people to live the truth if we are not living it out? This ought to challenge us to ask the question, "am I only obedient to God 25% of the time?")

Let us continue to ask God for those Divine Appointments so that we can make a difference in our world for Christ and live out the Truth in our world!

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