Here is a quote from Pastor's Weekly Briefing about this Bible:
"While chronological Bibles, such as the NIV One Year Chronological Bible (1995) have been published in the past, The Chronological Study Bible published by Thomas Nelson is the first study Bible to present the text of the New King James Version in the order of events as they occurred with notes, articles, timelines, maps, charts and full-color illustrations. As an example of some of the changes in the format, whole sections of Isaiah and Nehemiah are reordered to better reflect the historical timeline; the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are merged into one, based on Mark's chronology; and some of Paul's letters are woven into the book of Acts."
While many Christians find a Bible arranged according to historical events very helpful for understanding the context, some scholars have expressed concern about the new format. "I do think you do lose something when you start demolishing any book of the Bible," said Richard Hess, professor of Old Testament at Denver Seminary. "You lose the literary and theological context." (quoted from Pastor's Weekly Briefing, August 29, 2008)
Sometimes reading passages in chronological order can be helpful in understanding the flow of Biblical history. This might be a helpful Bible to use to read through the Bible in a year.
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