A certain Senator has affirmed that he told 99% of the truth regarding his infidelity, though even that assertion seems to be unraveling quickly (Note: please stop and pray for his wife and for his family in this crisis). The point seems to be that 99% of the truth is more than good enough -- that it is honorable. That thought process is probably true for many Americans and even many Christians. Yet Scripture instructs us that our "Yes" is to be "Yes" and our "No" is to be "No" (Matt 5:37 & James 5:12). God instructs us to be 100% truth tellers because He always tells the truth and we are to show the family trait of truth telling. That also includes attempting to give deceptive responses.
Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices, {10} and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him. (Col 3:9-10 NASB)
This sad event is a reminder to all of us to make sure that we are people of integrity. Let's make sure that as followers of Jesus Christ that our "Yes" is 100% "Yes" and our "No" is 100% "No". Of course, this doesn't even begin to address the importance of marital fidelity.
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