Friday, August 29, 2008
Nebraska's New "Safe Haven" Law
Nebraska has recently instituted a "safe-haven" law which allows parents who have unwanted children to leave them at hospitals with no questions asked. This law can be applied to any child under 19 years of age. This would allow parents who have an unwanted baby, a disabled child, an unruly teenager, hormonal teenager, etc., to leave the child/ren at a hospital. [from]
New Chronological Study Bible Released by Thomas Nelson

"While chronological Bibles, such as the NIV One Year Chronological Bible (1995) have been published in the past, The Chronological Study Bible published by Thomas Nelson is the first study Bible to present the text of the New King James Version in the order of events as they occurred with notes, articles, timelines, maps, charts and full-color illustrations. As an example of some of the changes in the format, whole sections of Isaiah and Nehemiah are reordered to better reflect the historical timeline; the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are merged into one, based on Mark's chronology; and some of Paul's letters are woven into the book of Acts."Sometimes reading passages in chronological order can be helpful in understanding the flow of Biblical history. This might be a helpful Bible to use to read through the Bible in a year.
While many Christians find a Bible arranged according to historical events very helpful for understanding the context, some scholars have expressed concern about the new format. "I do think you do lose something when you start demolishing any book of the Bible," said Richard Hess, professor of Old Testament at Denver Seminary. "You lose the literary and theological context." (quoted from Pastor's Weekly Briefing, August 29, 2008)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Ryston & Anna Williamson

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Fike
Friday, August 22, 2008
Ministry Teams - Introduction

All of these teams obviously, cannot be developed at the same time and some are already functioning. The Missions Team has recently had an organizational meeting to think through opportunities and strategy. The Worship & Music team is planning a meeting to begin to begin its development. The other teams will be organized as we feel that we have been able to get these two functioning well.
A few of these teams are already functioning such as the Care Team (overseen by the Deacons & Deaconesses), the Finance Team, (overseen by the finance officers), the Property Team (overseen by the Trustees).
The purpose of these Ministry Teams is to provide opportunities for each person to use the gifts that God has given. Our current emphasis is to get the structure in place to make these teams effective. Your prayer are appreciated! You will be kept informed so that you can participate in an area where you feel God is directing. (More specific information about each team will be shared in future entries).
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Church Security Update

Transcript to Civil Forum at Saddleback
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Interview Links for Barack Obama & John McCain from Saddleback Civil Forum

Forum - Obama Part 1
Forum - Obama Part 2
Forum - McCain Part 3
Forum - McCain Part 4
Friday, August 15, 2008
Son of Hamas Leader Turns Back on Islam and Embraces Christianity

An interesting article on Foxnews about a young man who was raised Muslim and has embraced Christianity. He understands the concept of leaving family and taking up his cross. You can read the short interview or watch the video of the interview here.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
What is a Grace Brethren Church?

1. One another as a spiritual family;
2. The Statement of Faith as a summary of our biblical beliefs and practice.
3. The practice of triune-immersion baptism and three-fold communion (because we believe the Bible teaches these - grammatically and theologically and Church history supports this, not because we have "always done it this way").
4. Oversight by an elder (or elders) who fulfill(s) scriptural qualifications.
5. The observance of regular worship services.
The purpose of a local church is the worship of God, the edification and fellowship of believers, and the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
A Grace Brethren Church is not part of a denomination, but it is part of a Fellowship of Churches. This means that each local church is autonomous and self-governing. There is no outside hierarchy that controls it, though the local church voluntarily works with other churches in the Fellowship to accomplish things which would be difficult to do on its own such as missions, youth events, Ministerium support, and other events. We also work with other churches which are committed to following Christ.
(adapted from an article by Jerry R. Young – AGBM, Summer 2008)
Monday, August 11, 2008
Is 99% of the Truth Good Enough?

Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices, {10} and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him. (Col 3:9-10 NASB)
This sad event is a reminder to all of us to make sure that we are people of integrity. Let's make sure that as followers of Jesus Christ that our "Yes" is 100% "Yes" and our "No" is 100% "No". Of course, this doesn't even begin to address the importance of marital fidelity.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Importance of Fathers @ Church

A statement made from a study in Switzerland is, "If a father does not go to church, no matter how regular the mother is in her religious practices, only one child in 50 becomes a regular church attendee." You know the condition of the church in that country. (from David T. Olson's book entitled, The American Church in Crisis)
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