There is a tendency among some people who claim to be followers of Christ to think that they can live the Christian life without being connected to a local body of believers. This connection is much more than arriving a few minutes after the service has started and then quickly heading back out the door until the following week, or schedules allow for another visit. John writes, "... that which we have seen and heard we proclaim to you, so that you also may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ" (1 John 1:1-3).
The point that John is making is that believers are to have a connection with other Christians. Those who are false Christians leave the church fellowship (1 John 2:19). It is within the local church body that followers of Christ have the opportunity to get to know, serve and love other followers of Christ.
One of the reasons for constructing the lobby area with tables and coffee is so that there is a place where it is possible to sit down at a table and spend some time getting to know other followers of Christ. It is a place to connect, to share praises and prayer, and you are encouraged to take the time to make it work. This might mean arriving earlier so as to have some time to connect or perhaps even staying a bit later. (Perhaps we need to rename it to "Cafe" which gives more of the idea that this is a place to linger and spend some time investing in the lives of other believers). Obviously, not all connection needs to happen within the walls of the church building, but this is certainly a good place to look for opportunities to invest in the lives of people who are part of the Valley Grace community.
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