Having given more thought to the Gospel, the Church and Glenn Beck, here are some of my observations for your consideration. First of all, please understand that this really is not about Glenn Beck and his political views. He may very well be correct in his observations of what should be taking place in America. I would also applaud his call to honor our troops who are willing to give their lives for our liberties. This post is a call to the church for discernment and for staying on mission.
First, we need to understand that revival does not come through political movements, but through the preaching and teaching of the word of God. This is true of all revivals recorded in Scripture (see revivals in the days of Josiah, Nehemiah, Jonah for instance). Consider also the revivals in more modern history – the Welsh Revival along with revivals in our own country. Revival necessitates the recognition of sin in our lives and true repentance. A recent illustration of the barrenness of attempting to bring about true lasting spiritual change through the political process is the Moral Majority of the 1980s.
Second, we need to remember that the mission of the church is to introduce people into Christ's kingdom through the new birth. It is not to get someone to change a political party or view. In fact, when political views take the forefront and result in a rift in a relationship so that one is unable to talk with the another about the things of Christ, that is the greatest of tragedies. I am afraid that many Christians (myself included) are more willing to talk about politics than Christ.
Thirdly, we are hearing that "America is turning back to God." My question is, "what does that look like?" If prayer were mandated in school, and abortions were made illegal and marriage was mandated as that between a man and a woman, etc., would America be turned back to God? Absolutely not! We may have a more moral America, but without true repentance & conversion America has not returned to God. It might also be good to ask, "of what God are we speaking?" There is only one true God as revealed through Scripture. Any other god, is not the One True God. Let me repeat, the only way to turn America to God is for each individual to experience true Biblical conversion -- that is, the acknowledgment of sin, accepting Christ's finished work on the cross and truly being born again.
So What should we do?
1. We can use this present topic to turn a political discussion into a spiritual one. Ask a series of questions: 1) To what God are we referring? 2) Is America turning back to God?" 3) What would it take to turn America to God? This could open an opportunity to present the Biblical principles of true conversion and revival as found in Scripture.
2. I do not think that this means that we should become apolitical, that is, to drop out of taking the responsibility of being involved in the political process. There are moral principles prescribed in Scripture that makes for a more wholesome society, though not for a converted society.
One final note: we cannot be misguided by Mr. Beck's use of spiritual terminology. An article has been written by one, a Dr. Jim Garlow, who claims that people he knows has heard Glenn Beck, a Mormon, speak of Jesus being his Savior (Read HERE). This is a contradiction. There was one crucial follow up question which was missed, and that is "who is Jesus?" You see, either Mr. Beck is not really a Mormon (believing Mormon doctrine about Jesus), or he has not been saved by the Jesus of the Bible. The Mormon Jesus and the Jesus of the Bible are two entirely different persons.
We must remember that if Jesus is not who He claimed to be, He could not do what He claimed to do!
Our mission as a church or as followers of Jesus Christ, is to help other people to become followers of Christ (Matthew 28:18-20). And so we move forward with helping to build Christ's kingdom. May God help us!
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