We want to continue to carry out our ministry of investing in people for the kingdom of God, but we need the tools (facilities) to continue to do this. We believe that Phase 1 is a step which we need to help us provide facilities without compromising ministry.
We would like to make a focused effort on paying down our current mortgage, then move toward giving to a Building Fund. This would allow us to continue with approximately the same amount of cash flow which is going toward facilities. We are looking to significantly reduce our mortgage (which is very reasonable) while blueprints are finalized. This would allow for building in the Spring.
We will be meeting on Sunday evening, September 27, at 6:00 pm to give you an opportunity to approve this plan. We are asking that if you consider Valley Grace to be your home church that you would come to give your input. You will be given an opportunity to approve Phase 1. Please pray for the Lord's direction and plan to attend!
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