Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Convoy of Hope - Hagerstown 2009
Thanks to all who helped in many different ways. Let's continue to reach people with the Good News that only Jesus can provide.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Convoy of Hope ~ Follow Up Thoughts

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Masterplan Report ~ Phase 1

We want to continue to carry out our ministry of investing in people for the kingdom of God, but we need the tools (facilities) to continue to do this. We believe that Phase 1 is a step which we need to help us provide facilities without compromising ministry.
We would like to make a focused effort on paying down our current mortgage, then move toward giving to a Building Fund. This would allow us to continue with approximately the same amount of cash flow which is going toward facilities. We are looking to significantly reduce our mortgage (which is very reasonable) while blueprints are finalized. This would allow for building in the Spring.
We will be meeting on Sunday evening, September 27, at 6:00 pm to give you an opportunity to approve this plan. We are asking that if you consider Valley Grace to be your home church that you would come to give your input. You will be given an opportunity to approve Phase 1. Please pray for the Lord's direction and plan to attend!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Father Who Got it Right

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Convoy of Hope - Update

- Pray - we are dependent upon the blessing of God for the success of this event. Our desire is to see that men and women, boys and girls are introduced to our Savior.
- Security - there is a need for individuals to help with security on Thursday and Friday evenings. There are some different shifts available.
- Preparing to participate in the Prayer Tent on September 26. You can still receive the training for this opportunity.
- Help with the financial needs. As of this post, there is still a need of approximately $15,000 to help cover the cost. The original need started at approximately $50,000 so we can thank God for those who have been involved.
- There is a need for help with set-up on Thursday and Friday. This includes setting up snow fence, driving fence posts, setting up tables and chairs.
- Participate in the Main Event on September 26. There are many options and possibilities for you to use your abilities.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Heavens Shouting God's Glory!

The psalmist was absolutely correct when he wrote:
The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. {2} Day to day pours forth speech, And night to night reveals knowledge. (Psa 19:1-2 NASB)You can see more amazing pictures of God's creative work from the Hubble here.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Valley Grace Labor Day Picnic 2009
We are grateful to the Lord for a beautiful day to enjoy fellowship together. From the best count we received, there were 200+ in attendance.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Book Review of "Fearless" by Max Lucado

Fearless covers many different areas that can be sources of fear for an individual. These chapters include The Fear of Not Mattering, Fear of Disappointing God, Fear of Not Protecting my Kids, Fear of Violence, and other fears that can paralyze an individual.
In response to these fears, Lucado reminds the reader of the promises of God and yet brings a balance. For example, he points out that "legitimate concern" about the necessities of life can "morph into toxic pain" (p. 46) and lists examples of this. "Worry-stoppers" are suggested to deal with this particular fear. These include: praying first, slowing down, acting on fear, and other recommendations to deal with areas that can paralyze us.
This is a very helpful book which contains many of the promises of God for His children when faced with the various challenges of life. It definitely is biblically based and emphasizes the need to look to Scripture for the answers. It is a good reminder that Romans 8:28-30 is still in the Book, and although that passage doesn't say that everything works out for our happiness in this life, we can trust God that the experiences of life are part of His plan for us. For example, "just as some prenatal features went unused before birth" so certain events of this life may seem unnecessary, but are needed for the life to come (pp. 132-133)
My Problem Areas:
1. It raises flags for me when I see an author use a number of different Bible translations and/or paraphrases. I realize that no translation is more inspired than another, but some translations are certainly better than others on certain passages, and translations trump paraphrases any day. This approach gives me the feeling that the author is looking for a translation or paraphrase to support preconceived ideas (proof-texting).
2. My biggest problem arose in Chapter 7, "Dragon in my Closet" and is related to the translation issue above. On page 82, I understand the author to be declaring that Jesus was fearful as He faced the cross. If that is the case, then Jesus did not practice what he preached when he said, "don't be afraid," or "don't be fearful" in many of the passages which Lucado cites throughout his book. He then moves from the NEB translation which uses the word "horror" (Mark 14:33) and says that the word means "... a man who is rendered helpless, disoriented, who is agitated and anguished by the threat of some approaching event." I am not familiar with the source cited in the end notes for this definition (The Churchbook). My study of the Biblical text does not yield the above definition, and in my judgment is moving in the wrong direction in Biblical exegesis.
The definition cited by Lucado for "horror" above (specifically helpless and disoriented) is not what the Greek word, ekthambeisthai means in Mark 14:33 (from Grk. ekthambeo, "to be amazed, astonished" - Liddell & Scott, p. 433; see also Kittel, vol 3, p.4-6, thambos). Certainly Jesus experienced intense human emotions such as a shrinking back from the experience or dread. But Jesus was not "disoriented" about the experience. He declared precisely that it was "for this purpose I have come" (John 12:27) even though He declared "My soul has become troubled" (Grk. tarasso = "stirred" or "agitated"). Lucado also cites Matthew 26:37 as meaning "depressed and confused." The word that he cites as "confused" comes from Greek verb ademoneo which is translated "sorely troubled," "dismayed" or "to be in anguish" (Liddell & Scott, pp. 20-21, "ademoneo") which is significantly different from being "confused." Therefore the argument is not with apostle Mark and his record (p. 82), but with the translation and/or paraphrase of the Greek text.
3. I don't recall any place in the book where the author indicated that the promises made by Christ were for His followers alone. These were not promises just made to the masses. It would be inappropriate for a person who is not a follower of Christ to take the promises of Jesus and think that they can live a fearless life because they are quoting Bible verses. The promises are qualified. Lucado comes close in Chapter 14 entitled, "The One Healthy Terror."
Bottom Line: I feel that this will be a very helpful book for followers of Christ to be reminded of the promises that Jesus has made to His children – especially when facing issues that can cause fear. The book is an easy read, but the truths need to be digested. Lucado uses many mental pictures to drive home his points. (A discussion guide is also included in the back of the book.)
[This is the first Max Lucado book that I have read. Thanks to Thomas Nelson Publishers for providing a review copy.]
Lucado, Max. Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear. Thomas Nelson, 2009. 224 pages, $24.99.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Valley Grace Softball Tourney 2009 Clip
Thanks to coach Dave Wyand for a great season. The Valley Grace softball team went undefeated during the regular season and took second place in the tournament. More importantly, it was a great time of fellowship for both fans and players. The ice cream run afterward may have been the best part. See you next year, after the injuries heal!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Kayla Semler Engagement Announcement

Jeff and Kerri Semler of Clear Spring announce the engagement of their daughter, Kayla Rae Semler, to Scott Eugene Malone, son of Gene and Donna Malone of Salisbury, MD.
Miss Semler is a 2006 graduate of Clear Spring High School and will receive her bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from Salisbury University in December 2009.
Mr. Malone is a 2001 graduate of Parkside High School in Salisbury, MD. He attended York College and currently is employed by Long and Foster Real Estate and owns his own t-shirt company Dynasty Graphics both in Salisbury, MD.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Church Masterplan Presentation - Sept. 20 @ 9:30 am

If you consider Valley Grace your home church, we would invite you to attend this presentation for your prayerful consideration. This will be primarily an informational meeting which will then allow you to give input to the Master Plan Team at a future time. Our desire is to balance the facility needs to meet expanding ministry opportunities as well as continue to support the people ministries in which we are involved. We certainly realize that buildings are not eternal, but they are tools which enable us to more effectively serve people for our Lord. An official vote to proceed will come at a later time after you have had the opportunity to ask questions, give input and pray with us about this.
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