I loved the title of this article by Joe McKeever. The author points out that it is important for those involved in preaching God's truth to take Biblical truth and make present day application. It is not enough to come up with a clever outline (the skeleton) and preach an outline. The result of preaching an outline is a cadaver in the pew --
"undernourished saints who have nothing to chew on but outlines." Of course it is important for the preacher to have an outline so that he knows where he is headed versus just wandering around, but the main goal is not merely to remember a clever outline.
McKeever admonishes those preaching to make relevant application of God's truth to the listener's life. He also encourages those listening, not to be so concerned with getting the outline of the message down correctly, but instead,
to write down whatever the Spirit says to you, perhaps something you want to remember or look up or do after the sermon's over.A good word! If you want to read the full article, you can go
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