So instead of listening to all of the promises and hoping that the candidate can deliver, we need to look at each candidate's record to see what each really believes on issues of substance. Which candidates will attempt to provide an environment which is least hostile to biblical values? No, we are not attempting to create a theocracy in America, but a place where the followers of Christ can carry out our responsibilities before God. A place where pre-born life is sacred as well as life in the waning years. A place where marriage is honored as sacred, and not a construct of human whim. A place where families can flourish built on the foundation of Biblical truth. There are other areas of importance, such as stewardship of God's earth, but this is a starting point for your consideration.
The apostle Paul writes to Timothy to urge every believer to pray for leaders in authority over us so that we may be able to lead "a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity" because God our Savior desires "all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim. 2:1-4).
So what should we do?
1. Pray for our current leaders, whether we agree with them or not, whether they are from our political party or not. Pray as they are seeking to lead our country, state, and local government.
2. Pray for the upcoming elections that God would place a President, Vice-President and Congress in office that would allow us to lead a "tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity" as we seek to help introduce people to Christ.
3. Prayerfully study each candidates voting record and how they have voted in the past, regardless of current rhetoric. I realize that individuals can change their views over time, but it is doubtful their views have changed much in recent years.
3. Vote for biblical principle rather than promises of economic prosperity. Jesus asked, what does it profit to gain the whole world but lose your soul? We dare not sell our soul for mere promises of economic prosperity, something which I doubt either candidate has a clue of what to do. Even the economists don't know what to do and are finding that their solutions often bring the wrong results.
4. Remember that God is still in control! He raises up kings, presidents and leaders and sets them aside. No matter who is voted into office, our job as followers of Christ hasn't changed. So we can find peace in times of turmoil for God still sits on His throne orchestrating the events of His world.
See you at the polls!
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