A children's musical, The Great Late Potentate is being planned for December 14, 2008. We are planning for two services on that Sunday, one at 9:00 am and another at 10:40 am. Children's Church has begun practicing the songs (if your child is planning to participate, and doesn't have practice materials, please contact the church office). We also anticipate that there will be a girl's choir and others involved in this event. The desire is to be able to invite those who don't have a church home to come and hear about the reason for Christ coming into our world.
I was wondering if you could tell me where you got this musical. I have been looking everywhere for it with no luck. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Thank you, Shelly McFerrin
We purchased it from Brentwood Publishing Music quite a few years ago so it was in our archives. You may want to check eBay - sometimes they show up there.
Hello! Our church is putting on a production of the Great Late Potentate this Christmas, and while we have our Performance track we seem to have lost our original CD of the play. I noticed your church had done the play recently - any chance you have access to the original play?
JR, please email the church office directly if you see this reply. I didn't get any contact information from your post. Thanks
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