This just caught my attention! A gay man is suing Zondervan Publishing for $60 million and Thomas Nelson $10 million for violating his constitutional rights and causing him emotional pain because the versions that they publish refer to homosexuality as a sin. According to The Grand Rapids Press<, the lawsuits were filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. Bradley LaShawn Fowler of Canton, Mich., claims that the Bible has ostracized him from his family and contributed to physical discomfort and periods of "demoralization, chaos and bewilderment." Zondervan has said that Fowler is suing the wrong party because Zondervan does not translate the Bible, they are publishers. U.S. District Judge Julian Abele Cook Jr. says the court "has some very genuine concerns about the nature and efficacy of these claims." We may think this is an "off-the-wall" lawsuit today, but this appears to be where our society is headed. Recently Canada prosecuted a pastor who spoke out and has been charged with hate speech (not necessarily agreeing with all of his position - I don't know enough about the story). [story reported here]
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