- They are people of prayer. They realize that only God can change a heart and bring conversion. Salvation is a work of God.
- They understand the urgency of salvation -- that people without Christ are headed to an eternity separated from Him, with no possibility of change once they have stepped out of this life.
- They are people who spend time in God's Word in order to understand God's heart for lost people and Christ's love for the lost.
- They are compassionate people. They are moved with compassion as Jesus was, for those who are lost.
- They love the communities where God has placed them. They realize they are called to make a difference in their places of employment, their schools, their recreation, as they coach teams, etc.
- They are intentional about their evangelism. They pray for opportunities to share the gospel and look for the opportunities that God creates.
- They are accountable to someone for their evangelistic activities. Life can be filled with a lot of good things, but we must not neglect the most important elements as well.